Remember my last post with the 'M' word? Here's a way to get away with it.
Since I was so lazy to blog, out of curiosity I just google 'too lazy to blog' and this is what i found. The Lazy Bloggers Post Generator If u're so lazy to blog like me but still wanna post an entry u can try this and just allowed The Lazy Bloggers Post Generator to do the work for u. Hehe.
Here's what I got. Me ranting like a lunatic. Hmm..
Holy Snapping Duck Do! I just climbed out from under my rock and realised I have not updated this since they invented sliced bread... You would not believe that my hands were chopped off and I was waiting for bionic ones. But I'm sorry you'll just have to take my word for it..
I am totally and utterly flat out with sleeping my way to the top, selling my soul to Google, just generally being a terrible burden to society in general. My day drifts aimlessly from the light through yonder window breaks to 11pm at which point I fall asleep on the couch. I am looking at rectifying this. Maybe tomorrow..
I promise that I will try to remember my blog password more often in future. You have my word! Assuming I don't get distracted by counting my chest hairs..
And just for the fun of it I created another one (sebagai bekalan in case my 'M' fever strikes again..).
Holy Blog Of Doom, Batman! I just got a bajillion whiny emails saying I have not updated this since petrol was cheaper than a bottle of Grange! You would not believe my anguish at my misdoings. I prostrate myself in sorrow and beg thy forgiveness..
I am so busy waiting for a fine young gentleman to propose, watching the grass grow, just generally being an embarrassment to anyone unfortunate to cross my path. My day is passing in a blur from the first cockadoodledoo from the rooster to sun down and beyond. I am putting money aside so I can run away. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.
I will try to remember I promised you I will write something that makes sense soon. Promise! Don't hold your breath though, you're likely to turn blue..
Hehe. Thank God its Friday peeps. It means that I can continue bermalas2an. Yawn. Zzzzz....
Monday, June 15, 2009
Too lazy to blog?
Posted by Cik Halie at 3:38 PM 4 comments
'M' kau la musuh #1 ku..
M itu apa? M itu Malas. Malas… bagaimana hendak membenterasnya? Untuk mengetahui cara membenteras penyakit malas, kita perlu faham, mana datangnya sifat “malas” ini.
Malas berpunca dari kita terlalu selesa dengan keadaan semasa kita (zon selesa/comfort zone). Untuk keluar dari zon selesa kita, kita akan rasa berat dan susah. Ini adalah normal bagi semua orang- setiap kali kita nak keluar dari zon selesa kita, secara psychology akan menarikkan kita kembali ke zon selesa.
Berita baiknya adalah, zon selesa manusia berubah-ubah. Apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah keluar dari zon selesa tersebut secara sedikit-demi sedikit dan pegang pada keadaan semasa yang baru. Lama kelamaan, zon selesa anda akan mengubah mengikut keadaan semasa anda.
Sebagai contoh, sekiranya anda rajin membaca buku 30 minit sehari sahaja. Lebih dari itu, terasa malas (luar dari zon selesa anda). Anda perlu paksa diri anda keluar dari zon selesa itu secara perlahan… mungkin baca selama 45 minit. Sehingga suatu masa nanti, zon selesa anda akan berada pada tahap 45 minit. Apabila ingin membaca lebih dari itu, terasa malas (luar dari zon selesa baru). Apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah ulangi langkah sehingga anda mencipta zon selesa baru.
Untuk membenteras sikap malas, anda perlu fahami “zon selesa” anda. Semua orang mempunyai zon selesa tersendiri dan ianya boleh diperbaiki.
- Tips Motivasi ini didatangkan khas dari Jutawan Internet, En. Irfan Khairi.
Analisis masalah malas Cik Halie:
Problem yg dikenalpasti: Malas nk update blog
Zon selesa di ketika ini: Update blog purata dlm 5-10 entry sebulan. Gila malas punya budak.
Sasaran zon selesa yg baru: Update blog purata dlm 15++ entry sebulan. (Seriuskah???)
Kebarangkalian sasaran dicapai: Muahahahaha!!!!
Sudah la Cik Halie. Teruskan je la angan2 minah jenin anda itu..
Posted by Cik Halie at 2:54 PM 2 comments